NRC Regulatory Guides – Research and Test Reactors (Division 2)
Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Applications for the Licensing of Non-Power Reactors NUREG-1537
ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007 (R2013)
The Development Of Technical Specifications For Research Reactors
Selection And Training Of Personnel For Research Reactors
ANSI/ANS 15.8-1995/2018
Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Research Reactors
ANSI/ANS 15.11-2016
Radiation Protection at Research Reactor Facilities
ANSI/ANS 15.16-2014
Emergency Planning at Research Reactors
ANSI/ANS 15.21-2012/2018
Format and Content for Safety Analysis Reports for Research Reactors
NRC Webpage for Inspection Reports
Aerotest Operations Inc., San Ramon, CA: R-098, Docket Number: 05000228
- Decommissioning letter
- License (ML18254A192)
- SER (ML18254A176)
- Requal (ML18009A439)
- Emergency Plan (ML18039A139 – This is the letter for the most recent emergency plan. The plan itself is non-public.)
- FSAR (ML13120A327 – Updated safety analysis report)
Armed Forces Radiobiological Research Institute, Bethesda, MD: R-084, Docket Number: 05000170
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML16258A464)
- Emergency Plan (ML16258A465 )
- FSAR ( ML101650415)
Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI: R-108, Docket Number: 05000264
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML092150443 on page 74))
- Emergency Plan (9809230180 – 1998 – microfiche)
- FSAR (ML12137A181)
General Electric Company, Sunol, CA: R-033, Docket Number: 05000073
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (7906150147 – 1979 requal program – microfiche)
- Emergency Plan (non-public)
- FSAR (non-public)
Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID: R-110, Docket Number: 05000284
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (9303030265 – 1993 revised requal plan – microfiche)
- Emergency Plan (ML17144A139)
- FSAR (SAR is non-public)
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS: R-088, Docket Number: 05000188
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML022620643)
- Emergency Plan (non-public)
- FSAR (ML052580517)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA: R-037, Docket Number: 05000020
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (not found in ADAMS)
- Emergency Plan (non-public in ADAMS; 8209300066 – 1982 public version – microfiche)
- FSAR (ML053190384)
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD: TR-005, Docket Number: 05000184
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML090700132)
- Emergency Plan (non-public)
- FSAR (The SAR is divided into several documents – see this link.)
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC: R-120, Docket Number: 05000297
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML18312A306)
- Emergency Plan (ML17088A833)
- FSAR (ML17201Q129)
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH: R-075, Docket Number: 05000150
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (Could not find in ADAMS)
- Emergency Plan (non-public)
- FSAR (ML053400287)
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR: R-106, Docket Number: 05000243
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML042820055)
- Emergency Plan (ML060480275)
- FSAR (ML071430452)
Penn State University, University Park, PA: R-002, Docket Number: 05000005
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (8804060499 – 1988 – microfiche )
- Emergency Plan (non-public)
- FSAR (ML091250487)
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN: R-087, Docket Number: 05000182
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal ( 8609240123 – 1986 – microfiche)
- Emergency Plan (ML16267A466)
- FSAR (ML070920272)
Reed College, Portland, OR: R-112, Docket Number: 05000288
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML100040244)
- Emergency Plan (non-public – dated 09/2009 )
- FSAR (ML092310567)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Schenectady, NY: CX-022, Docket Number: 05000225
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (8704210423 – 1987 – microfiche) )
- Emergency Plan (ML042660128 – non-public 2004 version )
- FSAR (ML072210835)
Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission, Narragansett, RI: R-095, Docket Number: 05000193
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML13282A445)
- Emergency Plan (ML16355A292)
- FSAR (ML14038A386)
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (two reactors):
R-083 (TRIGA), Docket Number: 05000128
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML14076A112 – Rev. 5, starts on page 11))
- Emergency Plan (non-public )
- FSAR (ML111950376)
R-023 (AGN-201), Docket Number: 05000059
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML111990353)
- Emergency Plan (non-public )
- FSAR (ML111990353)
University of California-Davis, Sacramento, CA: R-130, Docket Number: 05000607
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (Could not find in ADAMS)
- Emergency Plan (ML18271A213)
- FSAR (ML053250012)
University of California-Irvine, CA: R-116, Docket Number: 05000326
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML003708602)
- Emergency Plan (ML19165A053)
- FSAR (ML100332002)
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL: R-056, Docket Number: 05000083
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML11229A706)
- Emergency Plan (ML17088A438)
- FSAR (ML17054C281)
University of Maryland, College Park, MD: R-070, Docket Number: 05000166
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML12255A400)
- Emergency Plan (ML14112A272)
- FSAR (ML072210862)
University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA: R-125, Docket Number: 05000223
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML16076A407)
- Emergency Plan (ML17296B078)
- FSAR (ML16042A017/ML16042A016)
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO: R-103, Docket Number: 05000186
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML13007A425)
- Emergency Plan (ML15260A439)
- FSAR (ML092110573)
University of Missouri, Rolla, MO: R-079, Docket Number: 05000123
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML18276A283)
- Emergency Plan (9508160381 – 1995 – on microfiche )
- FSAR (ML073200760)
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM: R-102, Docket Number: 05000252
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML19052A050)
- Emergency Plan (non-public)
- FSAR (ML092170540)
University of Texas, Austin, TX: R-129, Docket Number: 05000602
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML19025A079)
- Emergency Plan (ML19130A172)
- FSAR (ML12156A097)
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT: R-126, Docket Number: 05000407
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML050900080)
- Emergency Plan (ML111860459)
- FSAR (ML092090027)
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI: R-074, Docket Number: 05000156
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML110730013)
- Emergency Plan (non-public )
- FSAR (ML100740573)
U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO: R-113, Docket Number: 05000274
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML14084A515)
- Emergency Plan (ML16090A164)
- FSAR (ML092120136)
Washington State University, Pullman, WA: R-076, Docket Number: 05000027
- License, Technical Specifications, and SER
- Requal (ML18334A102)
- Emergency Plan (non-public )
- FSAR (ML092390202
- Abilene Christian University Molten Salt Research Reactor, Docket Number: 05000610
- Kairos Power Hermes 1 Test Reactor: Docket Number: 05007513
- Kairos Power Hermes 2 Test Reactors: Docket Number: 05000611 / 05000612
- General Atomics Energy Multiplier Module, Docket Number: 99902082
- Kairos Power, Docket Number: 99902069
- TerraPower and GE Hitachi Natrium Reactor
- Westinghouse eVinci Micro Reactor, Docket Number: 99902079
- Terrestrial Energy Integral Molten Salt Reactor, Docket Number: 99902076
- X-Energy XE-100, Docket Number: 99902071
- TerraPower Molten Chloride Fast Reactor
- General Atomics Fast Modular Reactor, Docket Number: 99902098
- ARC Clean Technology ARC-100 Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor, Docket Number: 99902103
- Oklo Aurora Powerhouse, Docket Number: 99902095
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Test Reactor, Docket Number: 99902094