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Profile: Andrew Smolinski

First Name:
Last seen:
Seen 1 month ago
Member Since:
July 26, 2022
Biographical Info:

2022-present - Reactor Facility Manager, Chief - Radiation Sources Dept
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI)
1.1 MW/2.3GW Pulsing TRIGA Mark-F
High Level Co-Facility
Low Level Co-Facility
Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP)
2010-2022 - Nuclear Facility Manager/Reactor Systems Engineer,
Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
(INL/NRAD) - 250kW TRIGA Conversion
(INL/TREAT) - 120kW/20GW Pulsing Transient Test Reactor
2006-2010 - SRO/STA, Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant, Dominion Energy
600MWe/1772MWth 2-Loop Westinghouse PWR
2002-2006 - Test Engineer Ship and Prototype Testing,
Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (KAPL)
Naval Reactors: D2W, S8G, S9G, MARF & S8G Prototypes
1999-2002 - SRO - University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor (UWNR)
1 MW/1GW Pulsing TRIGA Conversion

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